SULFUR N-38 is a granular fertiliser with a high nitrogen (N) content in the ammoniacal (NH3) and urea form and a high sulphur (S) content, with, in addition, the presence of the nitrification inhibitor Diciandiamide (DCD).
The gradual and continuous uptake of nitrogen accompanies the crops during their growth. Thanks to the presence of Diciandiamide, this special formulation allows the plant to modulate nitrogen uptake according to actual nutritional needs, slowing down the time it takes to convert ammonia and urea nitrogen into the nitrate form. The sulphur content not only contributes to the regulation of nitrification, but is synergistic with nitrogen function, especially in protein synthesis.
These characteristics make SULFUR N-38 ideal in cereal cover crops and in all crops requiring nitrogen efficiency.
Moreover, thanks to the MICRO ACTIVE COMPLEX formulation, the product is able to exploit the presence of a micro-organism inoculum to promote root development.

25 kg sack
prodotto sulfur


MIXED AZOTATE SALTS N(SO.) 38 (19) with nitrification inhibitor Diciandiamide (DCD).

Nitrogen (N) Total of which: 38%
Ammoniacal (N) nitrogen 7%
Urea nitrogen (N) 31%
Sulphuric anhydride (S03) 19%

With nitrification inhibitor Diciandiammide (DCD) 0.5%
(equivalent to 2.25% of nitrifiable mineral nitrogen (N))

Crop Dose Application
Autumn/winter cereals 200-300 kg/ha Cover crop (from start of tillering to end of tillage)
Corn, sorghum, soybean, rapeseed, sunflower, etc. 300-500 kg/ha Pre-seeding and covering
Meadows, grassland 200-300 kg/ha At soil preparation
Field vegetables 300-400 kg/ha Pre-planting or pre-seeding and covering (tomatoes, potatoes, lettuces, etc.) Pre-planting or pre-seeding and covering (tomatoes, potatoes, lettuces, etc.)
Greenhouse crops 100-200 kg/1000 m2 Pre-planting or pre-seeding and covering
Fruit trees (stone fruit, pome fruit, olive, vine, kiwi, etc.) 200-300 kg/ha Post harvest or late winter
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