15 5 30

EC fertilizer


15 5 30 is a water-soluble NPK fertiliser with the addition of the unique formulation MICRO ACTIVE COMPLEX, which makes it possible to exploit the presence of a micro-organism-based inoculum to promote root development by stimulating both the uptake of elements and the functionality of stressed roots

25 kg sack
Total nitrogen (N) 15%
of which Ureic Nitrogen (N) 5%
Nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3) 8%
Ammonia Nitrogen (N-NH4) 2%
Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) 5%
Potassium oxide (K2O) soluble in water 30%
Leaf and fruit vegetables 3-4 kg/1000 m2 (*)
Citrus fruit 100-130 kg/ha
Apple, pear 60-80 kg/ha
Stone fruit 110-130 kg/ha
Grapevine 100-120 kg/h
Actinidia 80-100 kg/ha
Olive 120-130 kg/ha
Strawberries, small fruits 4-6 kg/1000 m2 (*)
Fruit nurseries 120-150 kg/ha
Ornamentals (greenhouse flowers, greenhouse green plants, pot plants, etc.) 3-5 kg/1000 sqm(*)
(*) dosage per single application
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