nematech NEMATECH Liquid spore-based formulation
spores of the fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia
View product Helps overcome stress caused by pathogen attacks
of the root system even in the presence of gall nematodes
ELATECH Causes greater expansion of the root system View product Inoculum of Mycorrhizal Fungi
arbuscular (AM) of the genus Glomus spp., Beauveria spp.
and Metarhizium spp. in microgranular formulation.
MICRO ACTIVE COMPLEX® is the exclusive combination of growth promoting fungi and bacteria and a mix of natural organic matrices selected and dosed in the different formulations.


Msbiotech was born from the awareness that every plant can express its maximum performance only if it is in balance with the environment. Thanks to its microbiological know-how, msbiotech products combine the potential of microorganisms with organic nutritional matrices to increase plant productivity while reducing the environmental impact of the cultivation process.



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